Arthur and I are on our way down to Philly to see our little sweet pea so while he drives I thought what a good time to update everyone on our Kennedy. She has been kicking ass!! Let's see, where to start, she's currently a little over 9 pounds. She's doing good with her feedings. Throws up every now and then but nothing the doctors seem to be worried about.
She was supposed to be transferred to New Brunswick last week but the hospital now doesn't have a bed for her so she's still at CHOP. Not sure at this point how long it'll be. We'll get an update this week.
The most exciting news is her progress on the vent. The last time I updated I told you they changed her settings so that it wasn't breathing for her, just giving her pressure support. They continued to ween those settings as well and she handled it all with no problems! Thursday when I was in to see her I talked with the doctors. They said they were impressed and very happy with her progress. At this point she was at the lowest settings the vent could be on so they were going to start "sprinting" with her. Basically what that means is they'll take her off the vent for a few hours every 12 hours to see how she can breathe on her own. If she does well they'll increase the amount of time she's off until she can stay off the entire day (she'll need to be on at night to sleep). Friday they did 2 hours and she made it the full 2 hours off the vent with no problems! Saturday she did 4 hours off the vent with no problems! In the words of her nurse who had her the last few days "Kennedy is a rock star!" Art and I are so excited and proud of her!! She's fighting her way right out of the hospital! She wants to come home just as much as we all want her home. Fingers crossed she keeps it up!
Pictures from today's visit to follow :)
Love to all,
The Crist Family
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