I'm finding it harder and harder to do these posts. Kennedy's due date is creeping up on us and I'm sure it's no secret to anyone that we obviously expected her to be home by that date, or at least close to coming home. That is unfortunately not going to happen. And, as if that weren't hard enough for us to think about, the idea of her coming home seems so far away it hurts. She took a little set back this weekend when they tried to lower her vent setting so they had to put it back up. Of course it was very upsetting but it was also a rude awakening on just how long it will most likely take them to ween her off the vent and to get her home. I just can't help but be so angry and so upset. She's almost three months old and she hasn't been outside a hospital room except to be flown down to CHOP. I have no pictures of her beautiful face without tubes and wires attached. If I want to hold my little girl I can't just pick her up out of her crib. It takes 2 people to help her out and her tubes need to be rubber banded and pinned to me. I try to tell myself that one day this will all be over. That next Father's Day won't be spent in a hospital room but instead in our home in Boonton. But every now and then it all catches up and it's just too much. Luckily I have my amazing family who picks me up and brings me back. It's very hard to be down for too long when my sunshine Makenzie is around! She reminds me to look on the bright side of things! And although my sweet girl is struggling she is getting bigger and stronger every day. And even though it'll take more time than any of us predicted or wanted, she will get home!! And what a home coming she will have!
So despite the rocky start to the day I hope my husband enjoyed his Father's Day!! He's such an amazing Dad and husband. Me and my girls are incredibly lucky!
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