Saturday, May 24, 2014

CHOP it is!

Memorial Day Weekend was supposed to be a quiet weekend at the Crist House. Art and I planned to get things done around the house, to go see Kennedy and to have a camp out and go bowling with Makenzie. Well as usual Miss Kennedy had a plan of her own.

She had a bad week. I won't get into too much detail because right now Monday seems like weeks ago but she was vomiting alot and her oxygen levels went up over the course of the week. By Friday she looked like she was a little more stable but the nurse on duty that day told me that Art and I should prepare ourselves because most likely Kennedy would need a trach. When we had our meeting with her primary last Friday to go over her next steps he did tell us that a trach was an option but at that time it was so far away and the more research we did on it the more upset we got so we said we wouldn't think about it until we had to.

Saturday morning I received a dreaded call the the NICU.  Supposedly Kennedy had another vomiting episode and they had to extubate her to clean the tube out. When they tried to reintubate her the airways closed up and they couldn't get the tube back in.  The doctor said when they looked down her airways she could see the vocal cords and they looked fine but there was something at the end that was obstructing the tube from going back down. They were finally able to get a tube in but it was much smaller than she needs.  The doctor said an ENT doctor needs to come in and do a scope to see if there is something obstructing if he can cut it away or if she would need a trach. The doctors opinion after everything that happened today was she would ultimately end up with a trach.

When we got to the hospital we were told the scope couldn't be done at Morristown because the ENT doctor was out of town for a week and Kennedy couldn't wait that long so she was either being transferred to Columbia in NY or CHOP in Philly. Columbia was full but CHOP was available so they sent a helicopter up to get her. Art and I went home to pack stuff and make arrangements for Makenzie and then headed down to Philly.

Kennedy got settled into the NICU at CHOP and we got to meet her nurses and doctors. The plan is to get her settled tonight and let her relax since she had such a traumatic day and the ENT specialist will come tomorrow to check her out. Tomorrow we'll know alot more after the specialist takes a look at her.

My baby girl was transferred to a different hospital by helicopter...and she may need a trach. I'm just in complete shock right now. It's been such a tough day and I know the next few days it's only going to get harder. I wish I could switch places with her. I wish I could do all the hard work and take all the pain away. She has been through more shit in her 2 months of life than most people will go through in their entire lives. It's just not fair to her. But these were the cards that Art and I were dealt and we're ready to deal with whatever comes along tomorrow. As long as it gets our girl on the road to recovery and on her way home!

As usual, keep our Kennedy in your thoughts and prayers! She is so strong and amazing and I know she can make it through anything!!

Love to all,

The Crist Family

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