Thursday, April 10, 2014


Kennedy has been doing ok. She's put on some more weight. She's up to 980 grams which is 2 lbs 3 ozs so that's great news! She's still having a lot of issues with her oxygen requirements.  Lately she's been up very high on the amount of oxygen she needs so the doctors have been running tests on her the last two days. They did another chest scan which came back good. They did another urine culture and that came back negative.  They did an echo again today along with a bunch of blood tests so we're waiting on the rest of those results.  The doctor did get her blood count back and she said it was low so they're giving her another transfusion as I write this. She said that should definitely help with her oxygen level. The doctor seems to think it's nothing to be too concerned with. All her tests so far are coming back ok and she looks great, very active and very feisty. She thinks it's just something preemies go through and that as she matures more her lungs will grow stronger and the numbers will go down. Let's hope that after today's transfusion they do improve more. I hate to see her having all these tests done.  Although I think they bother me more than her.  I sat with her and held her hand while they were putting the IV in for her transfusion. I had to look away because I couldn't bare to look. She didn't even flinch. It amazes me what these little babies go through.  Poked and prodded all day with wires and needles everywhere. She is the strongest person I know!

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